erotic photography
Blade Play
F/friends work
my stories

The pen calls to my soul . . .

. . . i must write . . .

I write for my self. i write for Him. I write for my F/friends. When i first began writing these stories it was to just express a fantasy going through my mind or a feeling or emotion or because i was bored.

i used to think that i only wrote for myself, that the opinions of anyone else really didn't matter to me. All right so i was naive. What someone else thought did matter. Suddenly my life was not consumed only by my own selfish needs or me but by my need to serve Him... What He thought of my little stories, my fantasies, became vital.

As i kept writing i began to pour my heart into each piece i wrote. My soul was evident on every page. i began to wonder what other people thought of my work. i shared a piece with a friend to get his view on a turn of phrase in a particular paragraph and found the charge i got when he wanted to read more, very addicting.


So, i decided to start a small web page. This is where i can show off my stories whether they are about the BDSM lifestyle or not, a place to share my favorite stories my friends write. Some write D/s stuff some dont. i will also share some of my favorite links to BDSM resources that have been especially helpful to me or that i just found exciting.


BDSM Resourse links